That kinda describes what valentines does to me each year. My birthday is less then a month away, the frozen tundra starts to melt just a bit, and spring is just around the bend. Beautiful time of year. Then this holiday comes along. And I love holidays. I like to participate in holiday activities. Usually, Valentines activities include dinner and the buying of chocolates, and roses, and stuffed animals who have their lips sewn together(which is only a little disturbing as far as sentiments are concerned). But I have the same problem, it seems, each year. I have no one to buy this stuff for.
Now if you were to over analyze that last sentence, you might say I would only love someone for the holiday. But that's not true. I really am looking for the person I can love the other 364 days of the year. but I also have not been actively looking. If she comes along, I'll see it. Maybe she has and I need to reconnect, who knows. But I like not being in a hurry. I have friends and family on both sides of the Love Spectrum. My parents that have been married for 25+ years and are still in love with each other. Friends who have just gotten married this past year. Several friends and family who are engaged. Some single friends who are just fine being that way, and even friends who have recently become single and want nothing to do with this holiday.
For me, love goes to each in their own way. My family for the support, my friends for their council and to each woman that has come and gone in my life. Each of them have shown me love in their own way and I have loved each of them differently. While the love for some have been more intense then others, the love I felt for all of them is still there, somewhere in the back of my mind. And while the one love that will fill my heart has not done so just yet, I'm sure it will.
"Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."