Saturday, August 21

Things I wanna get back to.

Hey guys!

It's been a while. How have you been? 

OK. I haven't been keeping up with my blogging. But in my defense, neither have most of you. In fact, The man who inspired me to start bogging again doesn't even update his Facebook status anymore. The only person I can rely on to keep their blog/Facebook/Twitter updated is my good friend Holly. She knows how to put herself out there(at least digitally). She's awesome and should be read by anyone with a free moment. But this is my blog, you can read hers later. 

My problem is my life. My life has not gone as planned for some time. Not that I really had a plan to begin with. My life used to be like walking on a beach. You don't really know how long you wanna walk, never really know where you'll be when you wanna stop, and you can always keep walking. Then I screwed up. I made a bad decision. A wrong decision. And I was kicked off the beach. 

I used to do so many things. Things I enjoyed. But now I find myself  missing out on those things. Kinda zoning out. I seem to have lost my will, my inspiration. I seem to have lost a piece of myself somewhere. I can only imagine it's around here somewhere. And I'm sure I will find it. I'm good at finding myself. I'm always right where I left me. My problem this time is I can't seem to remember when I lost me. So I don't really know where to look. So I have devised a plan. I'm gonna start doing the things I used to love to do. The things that made me feel happy because, truth be told, I haven't really been happy in awhile. So I have compiled a list of things I wanna get back to. And I hope that one or all bring me back. Here we go.

  • Reading - This one is kinda cheating because I already started up again so I can't really get back to it. I had a lot of time recently to dive back into books. I used to only read books from names like Grisham, King, and Clancy. Very limited scope of writers that offered almost no variety. But lately I have been reading all sorts of stuff. I read Treasure Island for the first time. I started Isaac Asimov's Foundation  series. I've even read a Daniel Steele novel(She's very adept at weaving narratives from two separate perspectives together). I have read a couple of selections from Robert Ludlum(the guy who penned the Bourne Identity). My new favorite author though is a man named James Rollins. His Sigma series is awesome beach reading. He takes James bond type spy intrigue and goes all "DaVinci Code" with it. I highly recommend The Last Oracle.
  • Cooking - Another one that I can't really say I gave up. I still cook. But it's always the simple dinner type stuff. Kraft Mac and Cheese, hot dogs, Hamburger Helper... stuff I can make with little effort and time involved. I wanna MAKE something. Something that takes extra some prep work. Something without directions on the back of the box or the side of the can. Something you can listen to music to while you chop or mince something. Something that takes longer to make then to eat. That's what I miss. I wanna feel like I deserve to eat this because it took EFFORT! 
  • Friends - I wanna get back to my friends. I've been kind of a hermit of late. I used to go do thing with them. I miss the days when I could walk into someones house without ringing the doorbell because I'm there so often it feels natural to just open the door. Staying up late at night doing stupid stuff. Late night runs to Perkins or Denny's just to hang out and have a conversation. My interactions with them have more to do with liking their Facebook status's these days.
  • Movies - I use to be all about movies. I watched them constantly. I used to check websites like E! and Variety all the time looking for the latest news about who was cast for which role. Which director signed on to helm the next big franchise? When does filming begin on that new comedy from Jim Carrey? When is Michael Bay gonna get a hair cut? I looked at scripts for movies that where being shopped around. I mean I was INTO ALL OF THIS! And like the other things on this list. I just sort of stopped. I didn't go to these sights as much. Hardly at all these days(Yup, I just check and neither E! or Variety appear in my browser history). What kills me is I can't remember exactly when or why I stopped.

There are other things I want or need to get back to but this is a good start. I don't wanna do to much. You don't come back from an ankle injury to be the starting quarterback of an NFL team(just retire already, you crazy old coot)! I hope this will bring Sexy back for me. Until then, I can only have faith that it will. 

Goodnight Everybody.

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